
Thanks for your interest in helping us develop the GA4GH reference implementation! There are lots of ways to contribute, and it’s easy to get up and running. This page should provide the basic information required to get started; if you encounter any difficulties please let us know


This guide is a work in progress, and is incomplete.

Development environment

We need a development Python 2.7 installation, Git, and some basic libraries. On Debian or Ubuntu, we can install these using

sudo apt-get install python-dev git zlib1g-dev libxslt1-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev


Instructions for configuring the reference server on Mac OS X can be found here Installation.

If you don’t have admin access to your machine, please contact your system administrator, and ask them to install the development version of Python 2.7 and the development headers for zlib.

You will also need to install Protocol Buffers 3.0 in your development environment. The general process for doing the install is best described in the protobuf documentation here: If you are working on Mac OS X then there is an easy install process through homebrew:

brew update && brew install --devel protobuf

Once these basic prerequisites are in place, we can then bootstrap our local Python installation so that we have all of the packages we require and we can keep them up to date. Because we use the functionality of the recent versions of pip and other tools, it is important to use our own version of it and not any older versions that may be already on the system.

python --user

This creates a user specific site-packages installation for Python, which is based in your ~/.local directory. This means that you can now install any Python packages you like without needing to either bother your sysadmin or worry about breaking your system Python installation. To use this, you need to add the newly installed version of pip to your PATH. This can be done by adding something like

export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH

to your ~/.bashrc file. (This will be slightly different if you use another shell like csh or zsh.)

We then need to activate this configuration by logging out, and logging back in. Then, test this by running:

pip --version
#pip 6.0.8 from /home/username/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (python 2.7)

From here, we suggest using virtualenv to manage your python environments. You can install and activate a virtual environment using:

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv ga4gh-server-env
source ga4gh-server-env/bin/activate

Using Development Constraints

The server uses the GA4GH schemas as a basis for serializing and deserializing data. This means that the server depends on the schemas, and at times a developer will need to point at a specific version of the schemas to reflect a change to the data model.

There is a constraints.txt file in the root of the source tree that can be used to pin specific dependencies for a given requirement. For example, to use a specific branch of the schemas when developing the server hosted by github we can add the line:


This informs the installer to resolve dependencies from github before PyPi, allowing the developer to work against a specific version of the schemas under their control.

By explicitly stating a dependency, others can review changes to the data model. When a change has been accepted in the schemas, you can adjust your constraints to point at the current master branch of schemas.


At the time of a release, the same process allows us to specify a precise released version of the schemas and client to develop against.

GitHub workflow

First, go to and click on the ‘Fork’ button in the top right-hand corner. This will allow you to create your own private fork of the server project where you can work. See the GitHub documentation for help on forking repositories. Once you have created your own fork on GitHub, you’ll need to clone a local copy of this repo. This might look something like:

git clone

We can then install all of the packages that we need for developing the GA4GH reference server:

cd server
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt -c constraints.txt

This will take a little time as the libraries that we require are fetched from PyPI and built. You can now start the server using a python, or by installing it to the current environment using python install and then running ga4gh_server. For more information on using the server, visit GA4GH API Demo.

It is also important to set up an upstream remote for your repo so that you can sync up with the changes that other people are making:

git remote add upstream

All development is done against the master branch.

All development should be done in a topic branch. That is, a branch that the developer creates him or herself. These steps will create a topic branch (replace TOPIC_BRANCH_NAME appropriately):

git fetch --all
git checkout master
git merge --ff-only upstream/master
git checkout -b TOPIC_BRANCH_NAME

Topic branch names should include the issue number (if there is a tracked issue this change is addressing) and provide some hint as to what the changes include. For instance, a branch that addresses the (imaginary) tracked issue with issue number #123 to add more widgets to the code might be named 123_more_widgets.

At this point, you are ready to start adding, editing and deleting files. Stage changes with git add. Afterwards, checkpoint your progress by making commits:

git commit -m 'Awesome changes'

(You can also pass the --amend flag to git commit if you want to incorporate staged changes into the most recent commit.)

Once you have changes that you want to share with others, push your topic branch to GitHub:

git push origin TOPIC_BRANCH_NAME

Then create a pull request using the GitHub interface. This pull request should be against the master branch (this should happen automatically).

At this point, other developers will weigh in on your changes and will likely suggest modifications before the change can be merged into master. When you get around to incorporating these suggestions, it is likely that more commits will have been added to the master branch. Since you (almost) always want to be developing off of the latest version of the code, you need to perform a rebase to incorporate the most recent changes from master into your branch.


We recommend against using git pull. Use git fetch and git rebase to update your topic branch against mainline branches instead. See the Git Workflow Appendix for elaboration.

git fetch --all
git checkout master
git merge --ff-only upstream/master
git checkout TOPIC_BRANCH_NAME
git rebase master

At this point, several things could happen. In the best case, the rebase will complete without problems and you can continue developing. In other cases, the rebase will stop midway and report a merge conflict. That is, git has determined that it is impossible for it to determine how to combine the changes from the new commits in the master branch and your changes in your topic branch and needs manual intervention to proceed. GitHub has some documentation on how to resolve rebase merge conflicts.

Once you have updated your branch to the point where you think that you want to re-submit the code for other developers to consider, push the branch again, this time using the force flag:

git push --force origin TOPIC_BRANCH_NAME

If you had tried to push the topic branch without using the force flag, it would have failed. This is because non-force pushes only succeed when you are only adding new commits to the tip of the existing remote branch. When you want to do something other than that, such as insert commits in the middle of the branch history (what git rebase does), or modify a commit (what git commit --amend does) you need to blow away the remote version of your branch and replace it with the local version. This is exactly what a force push does.


Never use the force flag to push to the upstream repository. Never use the force flag to push to the master. Only use the force flag on your repository and on your topic branches. Otherwise you run the risk of screwing up the mainline branches, which will require manual intervention by a senior developer and manual changes by every downstream developer. That is a recoverable situation, but also one that we would rather avoid. (Note: a hint that this has happened is that one of the above listed merge commands that uses the --ff-only flag to merge a remote mainline branch into a local mainline branch fails.)

Once your pull request has been merged into master, you can close the pull request and delete the remote branch in the GitHub interface. Locally, run this command to delete the topic branch:


Only the tip of the iceberg of git and GitHub has been covered in this section, and much more can be learned by browsing their documentation. For instance, get help on the git commit command by running:

git help commit

To master git, we recommend reading this free book (save chapter four, which is about git server configuration): Pro Git.


See the files and for an overview of the processes for contributing code and the style guidelines that we use.

Development utilities

All of the command line interface utilities have local scripts that simplify development: for example, we can run the local version of the ga2sam program by using:


To run the server locally in development mode, we can use the script, e.g.:


will run a server using the default configuration. This default configuration expects a data hierarchy to exist in the ga4gh-example-data directory. This default configuration can be changed by providing a (fully qualified) path to a configuration file (see the Configuration section for details).

There is also an OpenID Connect (oidc) provider you can run locally for development and testing. It resides in /oidc-provider and has a file that creates a virtualenv, installs the necessary packages, and runs the server. Configuration files can be found in /oidc-provider/simple_op:

cd oidc-provider

The provider expects OIDC redirect URIs to be over HTTPS, so if the ga4gh server is started with OIDC enabled, it defaults to HTTPS. You can run the server against this using:

python -c LocalOidConfig

For tips on how to profile the performance of the server see Profiling the Reference Server


The code for the project is held in the ga4gh package, which corresponds to the ga4gh directory in the project root. Within this package, the functionality is split between the client, server, protocol and cli modules. The cli module contains the definitions for the ga4gh_client and ga4gh_server programs.

Git Workflow Appendix

Don’t use git pull

We recommend against using git pull. The git pull command by default combines the git fetch and the git merge command. If your local branch has diverged from its remote tracking branch, running git pull will create a merge commit locally to join the two branches.

In some workflows, this is not an issue. For us, however, it creates a problem in the future. When you are ready to submit your topic branch in a pull request, we ask you to squash your commits (usually down to one commit). Given the complex graph topography created by all of the merges, the order in which git applies commits in the squash is very difficult to reason about and will likely create merge conflicts that you find unnecessary and nonsensical (and therefore, highly aggravating!).

We instead recommend using git fetch and git rebase to update your local topic branch against a mainline branch. This will create a linear commit history in your topic branch, which will be easy to squash, since the commits are applied in the squash in the order that you made them.

git pull does have the --rebase option which will do a rebase instead of a merge to incorporate the remote branch. One can also set the branch.autosetuprebase always config option to have git pull do a rebase by default (i.e. without passing the --rebase flag) instead of a merge. This will avoid the issue of squashing a non-linear commit history.

So, in truth, we are really recommending against squashing local branches with many merge commits in them. However, using the default settings for git pull is the easiest way to end up in this situation. Therefore, don’t use git pull unless you know what you are doing.

Squash, then rebase

When updating a local topic branch with changes from a mainline branch, we recommend squashing commits in your topic branch down to one commit before rebasing on top of the mainline branch. The reason for this is that, under the hood, to apply the rebase git rebase essentially cherry-picks each commit from your topic branch not in the mainline branch and applies it to the mainline branch. Each one of these applications can cause a merge conflict. It is much better to face the potential of only one merge conflict than N merge conflicts (where N is the number of unique commits in the local branch)!

The difficulty of proceeding the opposite way (rebasing, then squashing) is only compounded because of the unintuitiveness of the N merge conflicts. When presented with a merge conflict, your likely intuition is to put the file in the state that you think it ought to be in, namely the condition it was in after the Nth commit. However, if that state was different than the state that git thinks it should be in – namely, the state of the file at commit X where X<N – then you have only created the potential for more merge conflicts. When the next intermediate commit, Y (where X<Y<N) is applied, it too will create a merge conflict. And so on.

So squash, then rebase, and avoid this whole dilemma. The terms are a bit confusing since both “squashing” and “rebasing” are accomplished via the git rebase command. As mentioned above, squash the commits in your topic branch with (assuming you have branched off of the master mainline branch):

git rebase -i `git merge-base master HEAD`

(git merge-base master HEAD specifies the most recent commit that both master and your topic branch share in common. Normally this is equivalent to the most recent commit of master, but that’s not guaranteed – for instance, if you have updated your local master branch with additional commits from the remote master since you created your topic branch which branched off of the local master.)

And rebase with (again, assuming master as the mainline branch):

git rebase master

GitHub’s broken merge/CI model

GitHub supports continuous integration (CI) via Travis CI. On every pull request, Travis runs a suite of tests to determine if the PR is safe to merge into the mainline branch that it targets. Unfortunately, the way that GitHub’s merge model is structured does not guarantee this property. That is, it is possible for a PR to pass the Travis tests but for the mainline branch to fail them after that PR is merged.

How can this happen? Let’s illustrate by example: suppose PR A and PR B both branch off of commit M, which is the most recent commit in the mainline branch. A and B both pass CI, so it appears that it is safe to merge them into the mainline branch. However, it is also true that the changes in A and B have never been tested together until CI is run on the mainline branch after both have been merged. If PR A and B have incompatible changes, even if both merge cleanly, CI will fail in the mainline branch.

GitHub could solve this issue by not allowing a PR to be merged unless it both passed CI and its branch contained (in addition to the commits it wanted to merge in to mainline) every commit in the mainline branch. That is, no PR could be merged into mainline unless its commits were tested with every commit already in mainline. Right now GitHub does not mandate this strict sequencing of commits, which is why it can never guarantee that the mainline CI will pass, even if all the PR CIs passed.

Developers could also enforce this property manually, but we have determined that not using GitHub’s UI merging features and judiciously re-submitting PRs for additional CI would be more effort than fixing a broken test in a mainline branch once in a while.

GitHub has recently introduced Protected Branches, which fixes this issue by mandating a strict sequencing of commits as described above. We have protected all of our trunk branches. The downside of using protected branches is increased developer overhead for each branch: merging PR A targeting trunk branch T immediately makes PR B targeting T out of date and therefore unmergable without pulling in the most recent changes from T and re-running CI on B. However, we think it is worth enabling this feature to prevent broken trunk branches.

Managing long-running branches

Normally, the development process concerns two branches: the feature branch that one is developing in and the trunk branch that one submits a pull request against (usually this is master). Sometimes, development of a major feature may require a branch that lives on for a long time before being incorporated into a trunk branch. This branch we call a topic branch.

For developers, the process of submitting code to a topic branch is almost identical to submitting code to a trunk branch. The only difference is that the pull request is made against the topic branch instead of the trunk branch (this is specified in the GitHub pull request UI).

Topic branches do, however, require more management. Each long-lived topic branch will be assigned a branch manager. This person is responsible for keeping the branch reasonably up to date with changes that happen in the trunk branch off of which it is branched. The list of long running branches and their corresponding branch managers can be found here.

It is up to the branch manager how frequently the topic branch pulls in changes from the trunk branch. All topic branches are hosted on the ga4gh/server repository and are GitHub protected branches. That is, there can be no force pushes to the branches, so they must be updated using git merge rather than git rebase. Updates to topic branches must be done via pull requests (rather than directly on the command line) so that the Travis CI runs and passes prior to merging.

Release process

There are two types of releases: development releases, and stable bugfix releases. Development releases happen as a matter of course while we are working on a given minor version series, and may be either a result of some new features being ready for use or a minor bugfix. Stable bugfix releases occur when mainline development has moved on to another minor version, and a bugfix is required for the currently released version. These two cases are handled in different ways.

Development releases

Version numbers are MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH triples. Minor version increments happen when significant changes are required to the server codebase, which will result in a significant departure from the previously released version, either in code layout or in functionality. During the normal process of development within a minor version series, patch updates are routinely and regularly released.

This entails:

  1. Create a PR against master with the release notes; presently, the release notes are located in docs/status.rst
  2. Once this has been merged, tag the release on GitHub (on the releases page) with the appropriate version number.
  3. Fetch the tag from the upstream repo, and checkout this tag.
  4. Replace git URLs in the constraints.txt to point at the schemas and client releases this server release is meant to depend on.
  5. Replace git URLs in the docs/environment.yml using the same versions as (4).
  6. Create the distribution tarball using python sdist, and then upload the resulting tarball to PyPI using twine upload dist/ga4gh-MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.tar.gz (using the correct file name).
  7. Verify that the documentation at is for the correct version (it may take a few minutes for this to happen after the release has been tagged on GitHub). The release notes docs should have changed, so that is a good section to look at to confirm the change.

Stable bugfix release

When a minor version series has ended because of some significant shift in the server internals, there will be a period when the master branch is not in a releasable state. If a bugfix release is required during this period, we create a release using the following process:

  1. If it does not already exist, create a release branch called release-$MAJOR.MINOR from the tag of the last release.
  2. Fix the bug by either cherry picking the relevant commits from master, or creating PRs against the release-$MAJOR.$MINOR branch if the bug does not apply to master.
  3. Follow steps 1-6 in the process for Development releases above, except using the release-$MAJOR.$MINOR branch as the base instead of master.